cPanel is among the best web hosting Control Panel tools and it is used by millions of users all around the world. Its popularity is as a result of its user-friendliness and intuitive interface, which will enable you to access a number of functions with just a couple of clicks. You are able to upload, copy and move files, generate new databases and add users with different levels of access, create email addresses, enable spam security and SPF validation, view account usage statistics, and many more. cPanel is used by numerous reseller website hosting providers, since it comes with a reseller-level Control Panel named WebHost Manager (WHM). The latter is a powerful instrument which will enable you to create hosting packages and to choose all their features. You may also generate and customize client web hosting accounts, easy access and modify a large number of server-side settings and DNS zone records, set up modules and applications, and many more. cPanel and WHM can be used with a lot of billing apps.

cPanel with Unlimited Domains in VPS Hosting

When you purchase one of our VPS hosting plans, you will be able to select cPanel with just a single click and your server will be ready within a few hours. The sole requirement is to choose the CentOS Operating System for your machine, due to the fact that this is the only OS that cPanel supports. If you get a VPS devoid of a Control Panel, you'll find cPanel as an upgrade option in your billing account if you decide that you'd like to start using it. During your first sign in, you will need to complete a couple of setup steps we can help you with, and after that, you will be able to create hosting plans and new accounts through your WebHost Manager. The full root access to the server will give you complete control over any software component and you are able to install with ease any application your scripts may require so as to work properly. All of our cPanel-equipped virtual servers are suitable not just for hosting your personal websites, but also for creating a reseller business, because we give a billing and support application and a domain name reseller account with all of them as a gift.

cPanel with Unlimited Domains in Dedicated

cPanel can be ordered with all of the dedicated web hosting that we provide either with the initial order or at a later time from the billing Control Panel. Because it runs only on CentOS, you should select this Operating System throughout the sign up process. There are a couple of steps which you should complete to install the WebHost Manager when you start using it for the very first time and after that, you will be able to set up website hosting packages with only a couple of clicks. Due to the fact that there's no limit on the number of accounts that you can create, you can choose if each of your domains will be hosted individually or if you will group them. You will be able to use our dedicated servers to launch a web hosting reseller business as well, because we give free of charge billing and support software plus a domain name reseller account with all of the cPanel-equipped servers. When a certain Internet site has specific requirements in terms of the software that should be running on your server, you will not have any problems installing whatever is necessary, as you will have full root-level access to the server.